Sunday, December 30, 2012

Welcome to Reality

Pensamentos em queda livre. Mente flutuante. Corpo sem vigor. Assim é o nada e o tudo se integrando sem distinção sobre o que é o quê. Nuvens de seda envolvem seu corpo. Calor infernal a queima sem temor. Quebra seus dedos e o sangue jorra sem alcançar o chão. Ele bem que já havia lhe avisado para verificar os dois lados da rua antes de atravessar, e melhor ainda, a abaixar a cabeça a procurar por buracos. Dependendo do tamanho, que se jogasse dentro....

Everything is more complicated than you think
You only see a tenth of what is true
There are a million little strings attached to every choice you make
That can destroy your life every time you choose
But maybe you won't know for twenty years
And you may never ever trace it to its source
And you only get one chance to play it out
Just try and figure out your own divorce
Then they say there is no fate…. but there is!
It's what you create.

Even though the world goes on for eons and eons, you are only for a fraction of a second
Most of your time is spent being dead or not yet born
And while alive you wait in vain
Wasting years for a phone call, or a letter or a look from someone  or something to make it all right, but it never comes
Or it seems to, but it doesn't really
So you spend your time in vague regret, or vague or hope that something good will come along
Something to make you feel connected
Something to make you feel whole
Something to make you feel loved
And the truth is: you feel so angry, so sad, so hurt for so long
And for just as long you've been pretending you're ok just to get along
Maybe because nobody wants to hear about your misery because they have their own
Fuck everybody!

Death, then life

Everyone is disappointing, when you really know someone….

Stare at the window
Think about how you miss your own self
Now she's waiting and nobody cares
And when the wait is over, this will all still exist
And maybe some day there will be another waiting person
They don't care either

What was once before you, an exciting mysterious future, is now behind you: lived, understood, disappointing
Now you realize you're not special
You have struggled into existence
And now go silently out of it
This is everyone's experience
Every single one
The specifics hardly matter
Everyone is everyone
It is time for you to understand this

Every person that loved you stopped loving you
As they died or moved on
As you shed your beauty, your youth
As the world forgets you
As you begin to lose your characteristics one by one
As you learn there is no one watching you and there never was
You think about driving
Not going anyplace, not arriving from anyplace, just driving….
Counting your time

Everybody is now mostly dead
I am very tired and lonely…. 
I've disappointed everyone terribly

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Blue and Blue

Little girl blue. É melhor se entregar ao desespero e deixar-se levar pela queda-livre ao fundo poço negro. Tristeza e depressão são e sempre serão integrados à sua alma.  Sem esperanças, o dia se entristece e esconde o sol brilhante. Senta-se para contar os pingos de chuva que caem sobre si. Já é tempo de se saber que não se pode confiar em ninguém. Já é tempo de se saber que pode contar somente com os pingos de chuva que caem sobre si.

We all need rules for ourselves
It's these rules that help define who we are
So when we break those rules we risk loosing ourselves 
And becoming something unknown
Who is dead now?
Who am I?
Is this a new beginning? 
Or the beginning of the end?

Life is precious
Every minute
So let's have so fun
I'm glad I found you

Somewhere maybe someday
Maybe somewhere far away
I'll need a second little person
And will go out and play

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ele e eu

"Há conversas que nunca terminam e dúvidas que jamais desaparecem. Sobre a melhor maneira de iniciar uma relação, por exemplo. Muita gente acredita que aquilo que se ganha com facilidade se perde do mesmo jeito. Acham que as relações que exigem esforço têm mais valor. Mulheres difíceis de conquistar, homens difíceis de manter, namoros que dão trabalho - esses tendem a ser mais importantes e duradouros. Mas será verdade? 

Eu suspeito que não. 

Acho que somos ensinados a subestimar quem gosta de nós. Se a garota na mesa ao lado sorri em nossa direção, começamos a reparar nos seus defeitos. Se a pessoa fosse realmente bacana não me daria bola assim de graça. Se ela não resiste aos meus escassos encantos é uma mulher fácil – e mulheres fáceis não valem nada, certo? O nome disso, damas e cavalheiros, é baixa auto-estima: não entro em clube que me queira como sócio. É engraçado, mas dói."

Autoria desconhecida